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Mistakes to Avoid While Renewing Your Bike Insurance

Renewіng your bіke іnsurаnce coverаge mіght be а dіffіcult tаsk, but іt іs crіtіcаl for the sаfety аnd securіty of your 2 wheeler.

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Renewіng your bіke іnsurаnce coverаge mіght be а dіffіcult tаsk, but іt іs crіtіcаl for the sаfety аnd securіty of your two-wheeler. Don’t аllow frequent mіstаkes result іn іnsuffіcіent coverаge or excessіvely hіgh rаtes. 

Thіs guіde wіll brіng you through seven frequent mіstаkes to аvoіd throughout the bіke іnsurаnce renewаl procedure. Whether you’re аn experіenced rіder or new to the world of bіke іnsurаnce, knowing such mіstаkes mаy sаve your tіme, money, аnd frustrаtіon. 

By following these eаsy steps, you cаn guarantee that your bіke іnsurаnce polіcy offers the full coverаge you wаnt whіle sаvіng money on premіums.

Seven Frequent Mistakes To Аvoіd Throughout The Bіke Іnsurаnce Renewаl Procedure

1. Procrastinating the Renewal Process

One of the most common mistakes is delaying your bike insurance policy renewal. Allowing your policy to lapse can leave you without coverage, which is both risky and illegal. Riding without valid insurance can lead to hefty fines and legal issues.

  • Renew on Time: Set reminders well before your policy expiration date to ensure timely renewal.
  • Check for Grace Periods: Some insurers offer a grace period after the policy expiry. However, relying on this can still be risky.

2. Not Comparing Different Policies

Another mistake is renewing your policy without comparing different options available in the market. Insurance companies frequently update their plans and offer new benefits, so sticking with the same policy without researching can mean missing out on better deals.

  • Use Comparison Tools: Leverage online tools to compare various bike insurance policies.
  • Look for Discounts: Check if you are eligible for discounts or offers that can reduce your premium.

3. Ignoring the Policy Terms and Conditions

Many riders need to read the conditions thoroughly. This can lead to unpleasant surprises when you make a claim, as you might find specific exclusions or limitations you must be aware of.

  • Read the Fine Print: Ensure you understand the coverage details, exclusions, and claim process.
  • Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to ask your insurer for clarification on any policy aspect.

4. Underestimating the Importance of Add-Ons

Ignoring add-on covers can be a significant mistake. Add-ons like zero depreciation, engine protection, and roadside assistance can provide additional security crucial during emergencies.

  • Assess Your Needs: Consider the risks and riding habits to choose the right add-ons.
  • Opt for Essential Covers: For instance, roadside assistance can be invaluable if you frequently ride long distances.

5. Providing Incorrect Information

Providing inaccurate information while renewing your bike insurance can lead to claim rejections. Whether it’s your details or information about the bike, ensure everything is accurate and up-to-date.

  • Double-Check Information: Verify all the details before finalising the renewal.
  • Update Changes: Inform your insurer of any changes, such as modifications to your bike or a change of address.

6. Not Reviewing the Insured Declared Value (IDV)

The Insured Declared Value (IDV) is a critical component of your bike insurance. It determines the sum insured and affects your premium. Failing to review or adjust the IDV during renewal can result in inadequate coverage or higher premiums.

  • Adjust IDV Accordingly: Ensure the IDV reflects the current market value of your bike.
  • Avoid Overestimating: An inflated IDV leads to higher premiums, while an underestimated IDV can result in lower claims.

7. Overlooking Renewal for Specific Models

When renewing insurance for specific models like the Honda Activa, it’s essential to consider the unique aspects of the bike. For instance, Honda Activa insurance renewal might offer specific add-ons or benefits tailored to this popular model.

  • Model-Specific Benefits: Check for any special offers or add-ons for your bike model.
  • Review Past Claims: If you’ve had any claims, consider how they were handled and if the policy provided sufficient coverage for the Honda Activa.


Renewing your bike insurance policy is more than just a routine task; it’s an opportunity to ensure you have the best coverage for your two-wheeler. By avoiding these common mistakes, you can secure a policy offering comprehensive protection, peace of mind, and savings.


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