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Kernicterus Lawsuit Advocacy for Newborn Wellness

Discover why people filing kernicterus lawsuits. Learn about legal options and steps to take for families affected by birth injuries. Read now!

Jaundice in babies makes their skin yellow due to too much bilirubin. It’s common, but severe cases can cause brain damage called kernicterus. Kernicterus is serious but can be prevented with proper medical help.

In newborns, jaundice, characterized by yellowing of the skin, can sometimes progress rapidly to kernicterus, a severe brain injury. To prevent such outcomes, doctors must be careful when identifying and managing jaundice. This involves assessing risk factors before birth, closely monitoring newborns for jaundice signs immediately after delivery and during the first few days of life, and performing blood tests to measure bilirubin levels.

While newborns are typically affected, adults may also be affected in rare instances.

Kernicterus is  brain damage caused by severe jaundice, a yellowing of the eyes often seen in newborns. Due to the fact that jaundice is typically treated before it becomes harmful, kernicterus only affects approximately 1 in 44,000 babies in wealthy countries.

Kernicterus means there are high levels of bilirubin in the blood and toxic levels in the brain. It affects the brain.  The symptoms are

  • Lack of energy
  • Involuntary muscle movements
  • Hearing loss
  • Cerebral palsy
  • Coma

Prompt intervention is crucial if jaundice symptoms or complications arise, with treatments such as phototherapy or blood transfusions often employed to lower bilirubin levels and prevent kernicterus.

Identifying jaundice in newborns is crucial. However, in some hospital nurseries, this step is overlooked, increasing the risk of complications like kernicterus. Nurses and doctors must be diligent in visually assessing jaundice severity and promptly initiating treatment when necessary. Failure to act swiftly can result in lifelong neurological issues for the child.

Common mistakes made by physicians include delays in treating jaundice or interrupting phototherapy, which can worsen outcomes. Additionally, misinterpreting bilirubin test results based on the infant’s age can lead to inadequate intervention. It’s essential for medical professionals to be vigilant, ensuring timely and appropriate management to prevent serious complications associated with neonatal jaundice.

If a baby clearly has jaundice, doctors need to follow the latest guidelines. If they don’t, some babies might miss out on needed treatments or tests. If your child or a loved one’s child has jaundice complications, it’s important to find out if mistakes caused them harm.

If your baby got kernicterus because of medical malpractice, you might be able to sue for compensation. To file a kernicterus lawsuit, find a lawyer experienced in medical malpractice or birth injury cases. Parents should be aware of the risk of kernicterus and brain damage.

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