
Inspiring Quotes from Thomas Aquinas: Wisdom for Today

Thomas Aquinas Quotes (1)

The wisdom of Thomas Aquinas remains relevant today, providing insights into love, friendship, courage, and the pursuit of happiness.

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Inspiring Quotes from Thomas Aquinas: Wisdom for Today

Thomas Aquinas, the medieval philosopher and theologian, is one of the most influential figures in Western thought. His works, particularly in the realm of theology and philosophy, have shaped Christian doctrine and moral philosophy. Aquinas’s insights are timeless and continue to resonate with people seeking truth, understanding, and guidance. Here, we explore some of his most inspiring quotes and the wisdom they impart.

The Life and Legacy of Thomas Aquinas

Born in 1225 in Italy, Aquinas was a Dominican friar who dedicated his life to the study of philosophy and theology. His most famous work, the Summa Theologica, aims to explain and defend the Christian faith using reason and logic. Aquinas’s integration of Aristotelian philosophy with Christian doctrine paved the way for Scholasticism and has influenced countless scholars and theologians throughout history.

Notable Quotes from Thomas Aquinas

1. “To love is to will the good of another.”

This quote captures the essence of Aquinas’s understanding of love. For him, love is not merely a feeling but an active decision to seek the well-being of others. This profound insight encourages us to practice selflessness and compassion in our relationships, reminding us that true love is rooted in action.

2. “The things that we love tell us what we are.”

Aquinas highlights the importance of our passions and desires. This quote prompts us to reflect on what we value most in life. Our loves shape our identities and guide our actions, urging us to be mindful of the things we pursue and cherish.

3. “There is nothing on this earth more to be prized than true friendship.”

Friendship, according to Aquinas, is a vital aspect of the human experience. He emphasizes that true friendship is built on mutual respect, love, and a shared commitment to the good. This perspective encourages us to cultivate meaningful connections with others, recognizing the deep impact friendships have on our lives.

4. “Fear is a reaction. Courage is a decision.”

This quote underscores the difference between feeling afraid and choosing to act with bravery. Aquinas suggests that while fear is a natural response, courage is a conscious choice. This insight encourages us to confront our fears and make decisions aligned with our values, even in challenging circumstances.

5. “Happiness is secured through virtue; it is not a gift, but a conquest.”

Aquinas asserts that true happiness comes from living virtuously. Unlike fleeting pleasures, lasting happiness is achieved through the practice of virtues such as justice, temperance, and wisdom. This quote inspires us to pursue personal growth and moral integrity as the pathway to genuine fulfillment.

6. “The more a man has, the more he wants.”

This observation about human nature highlights the insatiable desire for material wealth and possessions. Aquinas reminds us that true contentment is not found in accumulation but in appreciating what we already have. This perspective encourages gratitude and mindfulness in our daily lives.

7. “All things are subject to interpretation. Whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.”

In this quote, Aquinas addresses the subjective nature of truth and interpretation. He encourages us to seek deeper understanding and be aware of the influence of power dynamics in shaping our beliefs. This insight calls for critical thinking and a commitment to seeking truth beyond superficial interpretations.

8. “Better to illuminate than merely to shine.”

Aquinas emphasizes the importance of sharing knowledge and wisdom rather than simply possessing it. This quote encourages us to be teachers and mentors, using our insights to enlighten others and contribute positively to the world around us.

Applying Aquinas’s Wisdom Today

Thomas Aquinas’s quotes offer timeless guidance for navigating the complexities of modern life. By reflecting on his insights, we can cultivate virtues, deepen our relationships, and pursue true happiness. Whether in our personal lives, friendships, or professional endeavors, the principles articulated by Aquinas can inspire us to live with purpose and integrity.


The wisdom of Thomas Aquinas remains relevant today, providing insights into love, friendship, courage, and the pursuit of happiness. His quotes serve as reminders of the values that can guide us toward a more meaningful and fulfilling life. As we reflect on his teachings, may we strive to embody the virtues he championed and share our knowledge with others, illuminating the path for those around us.

Hania Shahid

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