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How Stem Cell Banking Can Benefit Your Baby

Cord blood has enormous life-saving and blood-forming stem cells to treat life-threatening diseases – cancer, immune system disorders, and more. 

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Before your childbirth, as expectant parents learning about the benefits of cord blood banking, you decide to bank your baby’s stem cells. Your main focus is safeguarding the baby and family’s health and future. Why not? If as expectant parents you’ve been nurturing another life inside you, so once you hold your little one in your hands you need to ensure keeping your baby’s health safe soon. 

Cord blood has enormous life-saving and blood-forming stem cells to treat life-threatening diseases – cancer, sickle cell anaemia, thalassemia, genetic and immune system disorders, and more. 

Cord blood banking is the entire process from cord blood collection, processing, cryopreservation, and dispensation as and when it is medically required. 

As far as cord blood banking is concerned, there are two types known worldwide – public and private (family). In the case of a public cord blood bank, you need to donate cord blood to help others treat serious medical problems and for other research purposes. 

But, here’s what you need to understand private cord blood banking and its benefits:  

Benefits of Private Cord Blood Banking

Your newborn baby’s stem cells, like any other stem cells, multiply into other stem cells in the muscles, brain, blood, etc. They repair and regenerate the damaged stem cells and tissues. You choose a private cord blood bank, to save your baby’s stem cells for several reasons:

Easy and Painless Cord Blood Collection

Once you give birth to your child, your healthcare practitioner cuts and clamps the umbilical cord just a few inches apart to separate the newborn from the new mom.

Easy Match Found

For successful stem cell transplantation, stem cell matching is a must. Unlike bone marrow stem cell transplants, for which one has to look for a perfect match from the donor. But, in the case of cord blood stem cell matching, siblings have 25% of being a perfect match and 50% of being a partial match. The parents have nearly 100% possibility of finding a perfect match. However, the baby’s stem cells match perfectly with their own. 

Reduced graft-vs-host Diseases

For a successful stem cell transplant, a significant reduction of the risk of graft vs. host diseases (GVHD) is a necessity. The cord blood stem cells are young and primitive. Also, depending on the identical twins, blood-related family members, or unrelated, the risk of graft-vs-host-diseases (GVHD) is reduced.  

Perfect Cord Blood Banking Technique

Once the cord blood is collected, and the stem cells are processed, they are stored in the cryopreservation tank for -196 degrees. The stem cells are stored for at least 75 years of your baby’s life so that they can be used during medical emergencies. 

However, when you choose a private cord blood bank, look for accreditations,  and ensure that it is the largest network of cord blood banks in Asia


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