
Caring for Dental Crowns: Tips for Long-Lasting Beauty

Discover valuable tips on how to care for your dental crowns in Winnipeg for long-lasting beauty. Maintaining your smile has never been easier!

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If you’ve had a dental crown placed by your Winnipeg dental clinic, maintaining it properly is key to getting the most out of this tooth restoration. While crowns are designed to be durable, certain precautions and care steps should be taken to prevent damage or early failure. Read on for essential crown care tips from the pros so your smile stays flawless for years to come.

Why Are Dental Crowns Used?

A crown is a cap that completely covers and encases a real tooth that is weakened from decay, fracture, root canal treatment, or another issue. Crowns serve several important purposes, such as:

  • Protecting a weak tooth from breaking
  • Restoring a damaged or worn-down tooth
  • Holding together parts of a cracked tooth
  • Covering a dental implant
  • Improving the shape, size, and color of a discolored tooth

Porcelain, composite, metal alloys, and zirconia are common crown materials placed by skilled Winnipeg dentists. With proper care and maintenance, a crown can last 5 to 15 years or longer before needing replacement.

How to Care for Your Dental Crown

Here are some top tips for caring for your crown after it is placed:

Maintain Excellent Oral Hygiene

Be diligent about brushing twice a day and flossing once daily to prevent plaque and tartar buildup around your crown. Food and debris can get trapped around the edges of a crown and lead to decay or gum disease if left alone.

Avoid Certain Foods

Crunchy, sticky, and hard foods could potentially dislodge or crack your crown. Avoid habits like tearing open packages with your teeth, biting nails or pens, chewing ice, and similar behaviors.

Wear a Night Guard if Needed

If you grind or clench your teeth, talk to your dentist about getting a custom night guard to protect your crowns from too much pressure during sleep.

See Your Dentist Regularly

Visit your dentist’s office every 6 months for professional cleanings and crown evaluations. Your dentist will check for any problems such as decay, gaps, cracks, or damage that require crown repair or replacement.

Avoid Staining Foods and Drinks

Rinse your mouth with water after consuming staining beverages like coffee, tea, wine, berries, tomato sauce, and dark sodas. Tobacco can also yellow your crown.

Get Prompt Repairs When Needed

Don’t delay getting a damaged, loose, or painful crown assessed right away before the tooth underneath sustains further injury.

Following these simple precautions will help your dental crowns in Winnipeg function and appear like natural, beautiful teeth. Always call your trusted Winnipeg dental office if you have any questions or concerns.

What to Do if Your Crown Falls Out

It can be alarming if your dental crown becomes fully or partially dislodged from the implanted tooth. Try to avoid panic and take these steps:

  • Rinse off the crown if it fell on the floor – do NOT scrub it or use soap, which could strip away the cement.
  • Place the crown back onto the tooth; bite down gently to hold it in place until you can see a dentist.
  • If unable to reinsert it, store the crown in a plastic baggie or appropriate container. Keep it moist by placing a wet cotton ball inside.
  • See your dentist ASAP the same day, as leaving the tooth exposed for too long risks infection or fracture.

A quick re-cement usually gets you back on track. More extensive damage may require crown repair or a replacement impression. Avoid chewing on the affected side until fixed.

Options if Your Crown Fails

While high-quality crowns can certainly go the distance, some instances that may eventually require a redo include:

  • Accumulated tooth decay under or around the crown
  • A poor initial fit or inadequate underlying tooth structure
  • Continued cracking or chipping of the crown
  • Loss of the crown cement seal
  • Fractures in the underlying tooth or roots
  • Cosmetic flaws making a crown look obviously artificial

Your Winnipeg dentist can have an honest discussion about the next steps that make sense if your crown starts showing signs of failure. Getting a new crown placed or opting for an alternative tooth replacement like a dental implant or bridge are common solutions.

Protect your investment in a bright, healthy smile by properly caring for your dental crowns every day. With regular dental checkups and prompt care when needed, your crowns can remain functional and beautiful for many years to come. Contact your trusted Winnipeg dentist for all your dental crown needs.


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