We have the greatest Dental technology engineers in the country!
Our teams across the country are comprised of highly talented system engineers and are experts in supporting all Dental technologies.
Engineers are dedicated to resolving issues correctly the first time around so that the practice may concentrate on taking care of patients without any disruptions.
Thousands of Dentists across the country refer to our team of Engineers as IT Rock Stars!
Zenith Dental IT delivers Unlimited IT support 6 days a week, cloud backups, proactive IT support, monthly systems management, pci scanning and resolution with a strong emphasis on serving as your practice Technology partner.
Redmineflux stands as an extensive project management tool, serving as a robust extension to the open-source Redmine platform. Boasting more than 18 plugins and 2 themes, Redmineflux elevates the foundational features of Redmine.
By facilitating agile sprint planning and goal setting, Redmineflux contributes to enhancing user performance for businesses. Redmine plugin incorporates various plugins such as Workload, Gantt Chart, and Agile Board, fostering real-time collaboration and simplifying communication and coordination. The dashboard plugin further allows customizable data visualization.
Redmineflux offers both self-hosted and hosted solutions at a cost-effective rate, providing the flexibility of unlimited users and project creation.