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Penetration Testing: Common Misconceptions Debunked

Penetration Testing

Keep reading this article to learn more about some common misconceptions surrounding penetration testing.

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Ever since the creation of the internet, websites and online businesses have faced cyberattacks. The more people access the online digital landscape, the more they put their confidential information at risk. Malicious actors keep finding newer and more potent ways to intrude into digital systems. Even installing an antivirus can’t protect you sometimes.

Keep reading this article to learn more about some common misconceptions surrounding penetration testing.

Top 6 common misconceptions about penetration testing

The internet is riddled with useless information. People especially those who have less knowledge often end up believing false information. Similar is the case for penetration testing. Companies are never prepared enough to evade cyberattacks. However, with strategic planning and skillful penetration testing, you can mitigate or minimize the impact of an attack.

It is only necessary after a breach

One of the top misconceptions about penetration testing is that it is only necessary after a breach. Many people think that cybersecurity is like a car. It can be repaired in case of an accident or malfunction. However, such thinking is far from the truth. Once a breach takes place, it can incur limitless damages. These include financial and reputational damages.

You can engage a security expert to perform pen testing on your systems. Through this activity, you will be able to patch a lot of security loopholes and vulnerabilities. You can consult Penetration testing companies in UAE to get help in testing your digital infrastructure and protecting it online.

It can disrupt operations

One more misconception about penetration testing is that it can disrupt operations. Many people believe this misconception that pen testing can offset business operations. They think that pen testing works like hacking. Once hacked, all the systems can get affected and stop working.

However, pen testing doesn’t work like that. Experts who conduct penetration tests prioritize undisturbed business operations and functions. Pen testers are equipped with top-notch knowledge and skills to cater to any unwanted situations.

One test is enough

Another misconception about penetration testing is that one test is enough. Many people think that one test is enough to cover all the aspects of digital security. However, cyberattacks and breaches come in many forms. This is why continuous and rigorous testing is vital to ensure digital security.

Security experts who specialize in pen testing often implement various methods to analyze and identify security loopholes. They keep testing your systems in phases and intervals to cement the system’s integrity and protection. Some pen tests include API testing, segmentation testing, black box testing, double-blind test, internal/external testing, and more.

It is only for large organizations

One more misconception about penetration testing is that it is only for large organizations. Many people think that modern and sophisticated methods are only for large businesses. They think that employing modern technologies is not affordable for them or not suitable. However, the opposite of it is true.

The truth is contrary to such claims. The majority of breaches and cyberattacks target small and medium-sized businesses. This is because cybercriminals know that such businesses don’t invest much in digital security.

It is the same as vulnerability scanning

Another misconception about penetration testing is that it is the same as vulnerability scanning. Many people confuse vulnerability scanning with penetration testing. While both tests target vulnerabilities, the scanning test only identifies vulnerabilities.

On the other hand, penetration testing does a lot more. It identifies vulnerabilities and attempts to exploit them. Once exploited, you can identify the ways to patch these vulnerabilities.

It is too expensive

The last misconception about penetration testing in this article is that it is too expensive. this misconception arises due to a lack of knowledge and expertise.  However, the opposite is the truth. For in-house security testing, you need to acquire a lot of tools and experts.

This can be a hassle with changing security situations from time to time. On the other hand, penetration testing agencies have the expertise and tools to test and mitigate any digital security incidents. Moreover, penetration testing service is often scalable and you can terminate it once you don’t need it. You can contact penetration testing companies in UAE to secure your digital assets reliably within your budget.

Secure your business with reliable penetration testing

Protecting your business digitally is vital to ensure its existence and success. When businesses are struck with cyberattacks, they often experience financial and reputational loss.  With penetration testing, you can implement strong security mechanisms and action plans to make your business and digital assets secure.

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