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Interior Design Tips You Need to Know

Welcome to the Reform Design blog! I am excited to share essential interior design tips

that will not only beautify your space but also promote a healthier living environment. As the best interior designer in Bhubaneswar, I have over a decade of experience transforming homes into stunning and rejuvenating spaces. Let’s dive into the practical, simple advice that can help you create the healthy home of your dreams.

1. Maximize Natural Light

One of the fundamental elements in interior design is natural light. It not only enhances the aesthetic appeal of your space but also provides significant health benefits. Natural light can improve mood, increase productivity, and even help with vitamin D absorption. To maximize natural light in your home:

Use light, sheer curtains instead of heavy drapes.
Position mirrors strategically to reflect natural light into darker corners.
Choose paint colors that reflect rather than absorb light, such as pastels and neutrals.

2. Incorporate Plants

Introducing greenery into your home isn’t just about aesthetics; plants are crucial for improving indoor air quality. They absorb toxins and produce oxygen, enhancing the overall wellness of your living environment. Here are some easy-to-care-for plants that are perfect for indoor spaces:

Spider plant: Known for its ability to remove pollutants from the air.
Snake plant: Requires minimal water and thrives in low light.
Peace lily: Helps reduce the levels of mold spores in the air.

3. Choose Non-Toxic Materials

As the best interior designer in Bhubaneswar, I always advise clients to choose non-toxic materials for their home interiors. From paint to flooring materials, the choices you make can significantly impact indoor air quality. Opt for:

Low VOC (Volatile Organic Compounds) paints.
Natural fiber rugs and carpets, like wool or jute.
Furniture made from solid wood rather than pressed wood products.

4. Smart Storage Solutions

Clutter can lead to stress and anxiety, which directly impacts your well-being. Implementing smart storage solutions can help maintain a tidy and stress-free environment. Consider these ideas:

Use furniture with built-in storage, such as ottomans or beds with drawers.
Install shelves to keep items off the floor and organized.
Opt for multi-functional furniture that can serve more than one purpose.

5. Maintain Good Air Quality

Maintaining good air quality is essential for a healthy home. Apart from using air purifiers and humidifiers, there are simple practices that can help:

Regularly open windows to allow fresh air circulation.
Use exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathrooms to remove contaminants.
Regularly clean or replace HVAC filters.

6. Ergonomic Furniture

Investing in ergonomic furniture is vital for maintaining good posture and preventing back issues. Ergonomically designed furniture supports the body’s natural position and helps in reducing strain during daily activities. Look for:

Chairs that support spinal curves.
Desks at the correct height to prevent hunching.
Comfortable, supportive mattresses.

7. Lighting Choices

The right lighting can dramatically affect the mood and functionality of a space. Incorporate various types of lighting:

Ambient lighting for overall illumination.
Task lighting for specific activities like reading or cooking.
Accent lighting to highlight art pieces or architectural features.

8. Color Psychology

Colors play a significant role in influencing mood and emotions. Choose color schemes that fit the purpose of each room:

Use calming colors like blue and green in bedrooms for a relaxing atmosphere.
Opt for energizing colors like yellow or orange in spaces meant for activity and creativity.


Creating a healthy home is about combining beauty with functionality. By following these interior design tips from the best interior designer in Bhubaneswar, you can create a space that looks great. At Reform Design, we are dedicated to helping you achieve a home that feels good just as much as it looks good.

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