Many people think that yoga and meditation are interchangeable or  the same. Although related, yogic meditation is different from other meditation practices. Yoga 


 is an ancient spiritual practice originating in India that uses breath control, exercises and meditation postures. Yoga practice  uses “asanas” or various postures to create a divine connection with the universe.In fact, the word yoga means “union” in Sanskrit. Some people refer to yoga as a moving meditation using postures to calm the mind and create awareness  (Mohammad, 2019). 

 Meditation or “Dhyana” also belongs to Yoga. Like the physical practice of yoga, Dhyana creates a deep connection with the universe by performing mental exercises that transport you to a higher state of consciousness. This connection occurs in Savasana when you are in a meditative and peaceful state (Mohammad, 2019).

 Over 36 million Americans practice yoga regularly (Yoga Alliance, 2016). Yoga was the top practice for mental and physical health  in the United States in 2017, followed by meditation  (Clark, 2018). 

 The main difference between other types of meditation and yogic meditation is that, depending on the yogic practice, one usually practices yogic meditation after performing a yogic sequence.This is the final phase of yoga: first train your body,  then relax to  relax and focus your mind. 

 This meditation practice helps  stabilize the body after exercise and brings mental clarity as well as physical, emotional and spiritual energy. 


 Types of Meditation: Which is the most effective? 


 Meditation and Mindfulness Last updated: May 13, 2021 6 minutes read 

 What are the benefits of yoga meditation? 

 Yoga and mindfulness meditation are similar in that  both require concentration and attention.The ultimate goal of both  practices is to feel calm, relaxed, confident, and connected to the universe. This is done through pranayama or regulation and concentration on the breath (Mohammad, 2019). 

 People often practice yoga and meditation because of the many health benefits they offer. Together they can work synergistically to help the body in complementary ways. 

 Since yoga meditation is usually done after a yoga session, you can enjoy the benefits of yoga and meditation at the same time.

 Here are 12 benefits of yoga meditation: 

 1. Easy to perform 

 yoga meditation is ideal for people who have trouble concentrating or feel like they can’t slow down enough to meditate. After a physical workout, it’s easier to let go, stay calm, and relax. If you don’t feel confident in meditation, yoga meditation can help you find your way. 

2.Helps Relieve Pain 

 Yoga meditation can help relieve pain. A review of several studies found that yoga meditation activates pain  receptors in the brain  (Jurisic, 2018).  Yoga and meditation can help treat back pain, especially lower back pain (Chang, 2016; Cherkin, 2016). In fact, the American College of Physicians recommends trying yoga if you suffer from chronic low back pain (Chang, 2017). 

3.Improve Mental Health 

 Yoga meditation is associated with increased awareness and  improved mood. In one study,  yoga and yoga-meditation practitioners had better mental health, deeper spiritual well-being, and fewer depressive symptoms than non-practitioners (Gaiswinkler, 2017). 

 4. Reduces anxiety and depression. 

 Yoga meditation also increases levels of a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA). Low levels of this neurotransmitter can be linked to anxiety and depression.Some brain scans of meditators have shown increased activity in the parts of the brain that produce GABA (Krishnakumar, 2015).  In a study comparing a cognitive behavioral therapy group, a control group, and a group that participated in Sahaja yoga meditation, the yoga meditation group significantly reduced anxiety and depression.

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The Role of Y and Temp Strainers in Industrial Applications

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Introduction to Self-Actuated Pressure Regulators

Self-actuated pressure regulators are control devices used to maintain and regulate pressure levels in various processes. These regulators operate autonomously without the need for external power sources or human intervention. They ensure consistent pressure control, enabling smooth operations and preventing system failure due to overpressure or underpressure conditions.

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Bliss Flow Systems has established itself as a trusted supplier and distributor of industrial equipment in Singapore. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, they offer a comprehensive range of safety relief valves, Y and temp strainers, and self-actuated pressure regulators. Bliss Flow Systems partners with renowned manufacturers to deliver products that meet international standards and cater to diverse industry requirements.

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