In today’s digital age, mobile apps have become an integral part of our lives, shaping the way we communicate, work, and engage with businesses. However, developing a custom app from scratch can be a daunting and costly endeavor, particularly for small businesses and entrepreneurs. This is where white label app builders come into play, offering a game-changing solution that simplifies the app development process and empowers businesses to create tailored mobile experiences without breaking the bank.


Introduction to White Label App Builders


A white label app builder is a platform that allows businesses to create custom mobile applications without the need for extensive coding knowledge or resources. These builders provide a user-friendly interface and a wide range of pre-built features and templates, enabling businesses to design, customize, and deploy their apps with relative ease.


The term “white label” refers to the fact that these platforms offer a fully customizable solution, allowing businesses to brand the app as their own, complete with their company’s logo, color schemes, and branding elements. This level of customization ensures that the app seamlessly integrates with the business’s existing brand identity, fostering a consistent and cohesive user experience.


Key Features of White Label App Builders


  1. Drag-and-Drop Interface: Most white label app builders feature an intuitive drag-and-drop interface, making it easy for users with little to no coding experience to design and build their apps. This user-friendly approach simplifies the app creation process and accelerates time-to-market.


  1. Pre-built Templates and Features: White label platforms provide a vast library of pre-built templates and features, covering a wide range of industries and use cases. From e-commerce apps to loyalty programs, push notifications, and in-app messaging, businesses can quickly incorporate the functionalities they need without starting from scratch.


  1. Customization Options: While offering pre-built components, white label app builders also allow for extensive customization. Businesses can tailor the app’s design, layout, color schemes, and branding elements to align with their unique identity and preferences.


  1. Integration Capabilities: Many white label platforms offer seamless integration with popular third-party services and tools, such as payment gateways, social media platforms, and analytics tools. This integration ensures that businesses can leverage existing technologies and services, streamlining their operations and enhancing the app’s functionality.


  1. Content Management System (CMS): Advanced white label app builders often include a built-in CMS, enabling businesses to manage and update app content easily, without the need for technical expertise. This feature ensures that apps remain up-to-date and engaging for users.


Benefits of Using a White Label App Builder


  1. Cost-Effective: Developing a custom app from scratch can be prohibitively expensive, especially for small businesses and startups. White label app builders offer a cost-effective alternative, providing access to powerful app development tools and resources at a fraction of the cost.


  1. Time-Saving: With pre-built templates, features, and a user-friendly interface, white label app builders significantly reduce the development time compared to traditional app development methods. Businesses can quickly bring their app ideas to life and launch them in a matter of weeks or even days.


  1. No Coding Required: One of the most significant advantages of white label app builders is that they eliminate the need for extensive coding knowledge. This accessibility empowers businesses without dedicated development teams or technical resources to create professional-grade apps.


  1. Scalability and Updates: White label platforms often provide regular updates and enhancements, ensuring that businesses can keep their apps up-to-date with the latest features and technologies without investing in costly development cycles.


  1. Branding and Customization: As mentioned earlier, white label app builders allow businesses to fully customize their apps, ensuring a seamless integration with their brand identity and providing a unique user experience tailored to their target audience.


Popular Technology Stacks and Platforms


White label app builders leverage various technology stacks and platforms to deliver their services. Here are some popular options:


  1. React Native: This open-source framework, developed by Facebook, enables the creation of cross-platform mobile apps using JavaScript and React. Many white label app builders utilize React Native for its performance, code reusability, and compatibility with both iOS and Android platforms.


  1. Flutter: Developed by Google, Flutter is another popular cross-platform framework for building high-performance, visually attractive, and natively compiled apps for mobile, web, and desktop platforms.


  1. Ionic: Ionic is an open-source UI toolkit for building high-performance, high-quality mobile and desktop apps using web technologies like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


  1. Appian: Appian is a low-code development platform that enables businesses to build custom apps quickly, without the need for extensive coding. It offers a wide range of pre-built components, data integration capabilities, and robust security features.


  1. AppInstitute: AppInstitute is a popular white label app builder that provides a user-friendly interface and a wide range of templates and features for creating custom mobile apps for various industries and use cases.




In the rapidly evolving digital landscape, businesses of all sizes are recognizing the importance of having a strong mobile presence. White label app builders have emerged as a game-changer, democratizing app development and empowering businesses to create customized mobile experiences without the need for extensive technical expertise or resources.


With their user-friendly interfaces, pre-built templates and features, and extensive customization options, white label app builders offer a cost-effective and time-saving solution for businesses seeking to establish a robust mobile presence. By leveraging these platforms, businesses can streamline their app development process, enhance their brand identity, and deliver tailored experiences to their customers.


As technology continues to evolve, the demand for mobile apps will only continue to grow. White label app builders position businesses to stay ahead of the curve, enabling them to adapt quickly to changing market trends and customer preferences. By embracing these powerful tools, businesses can unlock new opportunities, drive innovation, and foster stronger connections with their target audience.



White label web design and development services and white label mobile app development services are becoming increasingly popular among businesses looking to expand their offerings without investing in-house resources. Essentially, white label services are those that are created by one company but sold by another under a different brand name. This allows businesses to offer a wider range of services without the need to invest in additional personnel and infrastructure.


Similarly, white label mobile app development services allow businesses to offer their clients custom mobile apps without having to invest in their own development team. This can be particularly beneficial for businesses that want to offer mobile apps as part of their service offerings but don’t have the expertise or resources to build them in-house. By partnering with a white label mobile app development provider, businesses can offer their clients custom mobile apps that are branded with their own logo and design.


Understanding White Label Services

As a company that offers both White Label Web Development Services and White Label Mobile App Development Services, we understand the importance of having a strong online presence. White Label Services are a great way for businesses to provide high-quality development services to their clients without investing in an in-house team. In this section, we will discuss the definition and scope of White Label Services, as well as the types of services we offer.

Definition and Scope

White Label Services refer to a business model where a company provides a product or service that another company rebrands and sells as their own. Essentially, it is like having a skilled team of developers working behind the scenes for your agency without the hefty in-house costs. This type of partnership allows businesses to focus on their core competencies while outsourcing the technical heavy lifting to experts.

White Label Services are not limited to web development and mobile app development. Other industries, such as marketing, finance, and healthcare, also offer white label services. In general, white label services are distributed as a B2B solution and address a unified need for similar development services.

Our Customer Success Story:

Types of White Label Services Offered

At our company, we offer a variety of white label services to our clients. Our primary focus is on web development and mobile app development, but we also offer other services such as SEO, PPC, and social media marketing. Here is a breakdown of the types of white label services we offer:

Advantages of White Label Solutions

White label solutions have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially in the web and mobile app development industry. Here are some of the advantages of white label solutions:



One of the biggest advantages of white label solutions is cost-effectiveness. Developing a web or mobile app from scratch can be a costly and time-consuming process. With white label solutions, you can save time and money by using pre-built software and templates. This allows you to focus on customizing the solution to meet your clients’ specific needs, rather than starting from scratch.

Focus on Core Business

Another advantage of white label solutions is that they allow you to focus on your core business. By outsourcing your web or mobile app development needs to a third-party provider, you can free up your time and resources to focus on other areas of your business, such as marketing or sales. This can help you grow your business faster and more efficiently.



For more detail:

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile app development, two major trends are converging to redefine the way we approach app creation: React Native and low-code/no-code platforms. This powerful combination is empowering a new breed of developers known as “citizen developers,” enabling them to build sophisticated mobile applications with minimal coding expertise.

What is React Native?

React Native is an open-source framework developed by Facebook (now Meta) that allows developers to create native mobile apps using JavaScript and React. By leveraging the same design as React for building user interfaces,react native developer to write code once and deploy it across multiple platforms, including iOS and Android. This cross-platform capability not only streamlines the development process but also ensures a consistent user experience across different devices.

At its core, React Native utilizes the same fundamental UI building blocks as regular iOS and Android apps, providing a seamless integration with native platform capabilities. This means that React Native applications can access device features like the camera, GPS, and push notifications, ensuring a truly native experience for users.

The Rise of Low-Code/No-Code Platforms

Low-code and no-code platforms have gained significant traction in recent years, offering a visual, drag-and-drop approach to application development. These platforms abstract away the complexities of traditional coding, enabling users with varying levels of technical expertise to create functional applications by assembling pre-built components and configuring their behavior through intuitive interfaces.

Low-code platforms typically provide a visual development environment where users can design and build applications using a combination of pre-built components, data models, and logic flows. No-code platforms take this concept further by eliminating the need for any code writing altogether, relying solely on visual interfaces and point-and-click interactions.

Combining React Native with Low-Code/No-Code

The integration of React Native with low-code/no-code platforms presents a revolutionary opportunity for citizen developers. By leveraging the power of React Native’s cross-platform capabilities and the ease of use provided by low-code/no-code tools, individuals with limited coding knowledge can now build robust and visually appealing mobile applications.

This integration can take various forms, ranging from low-code/no-code platforms offering built-in support for React Native components to mechanisms for embedding or consuming React Native components within low-code/no-code applications. Some platforms may even provide visual tools for designing and configuring React Native user interfaces, further simplifying the development process.

Benefits of React Native and Low-Code/No-Code for Citizen Developers

  1. Accelerated Development Cycles

One of the primary advantages of combining React Native with low-code/no-code platforms is the dramatically accelerated development cycle. Citizen developers can rapidly prototype, iterate, and deploy mobile applications without getting bogged down by complex coding tasks. This agility enables faster time-to-market and facilitates rapid experimentation and innovation.

  1. Democratization of Mobile App Development

Traditional mobile app development has often been reserved for skilled developers with extensive coding expertise. However, the integration of React Native and low-code/no-code platforms democratizes the process, opening up new opportunities for individuals from diverse backgrounds to create mobile solutions. This democratization empowers citizen developers to address their unique business challenges or explore entrepreneurial endeavors without the need for extensive technical training.

  1. Cost-Effective Solutions

Developing mobile applications from scratch can be a resource-intensive and costly endeavor, particularly for small businesses and startups. By leveraging low-code/no-code platforms in conjunction with React Native, citizen developers can build high-quality mobile apps at a fraction of the cost, enabling them to allocate resources more efficiently and maximize their return on investment.

  1. Increased Productivity and Collaboration

Low-code/no-code platforms often incorporate collaborative features that allow multiple stakeholders to contribute to the app development process. This fosters increased productivity and facilitates seamless collaboration between citizen developers, subject matter experts, and professional developers, enabling a more streamlined and inclusive approach to mobile app creation.

  1. Access to Reusable Components and Libraries

Both React Native and low-code/no-code platforms offer a rich ecosystem of reusable components and libraries. Citizen developers can leverage these pre-built resources to accelerate their development efforts, reduce redundant work, and ensure consistency across their applications. Additionally, professional hire react native expert can contribute their own custom components, further enhancing the capabilities available to citizen developers.

  1. Seamless Integration with Existing Systems

Many low-code/no-code platforms provide robust integration capabilities, allowing developers to connect their applications with existing systems and data sources. When combined with React Native, this integration becomes even more powerful, enabling citizen developers to create mobile applications that seamlessly interact with backend systems, databases, and third-party services.

  1. Future-Proof Development

As the demand for mobile applications continues to grow, the combination of React Native and low-code/no-code platforms positions citizen developers for long-term success. React Native’s cross-platform capabilities ensure that applications can be easily adapted and deployed across multiple platforms, while low-code/no-code platforms continue to evolve and introduce new features and capabilities, empowering citizen developers to stay ahead of the curve.


The convergence of React Native and low-code/no-code platforms is a game-changer for citizen developers, democratizing the mobile app development process and empowering individuals with diverse backgrounds to create innovative solutions. By combining the cross-platform capabilities of React Native with the ease of use provided by low-code/no-code tools, citizen developers can rapidly prototype, iterate, and deploy mobile applications without extensive coding knowledge.

Unlocking Success: The Power of React Native for Startups in 2024

Quick Summary:

In the dynamic landscape of startups, where innovation and efficiency are paramount, having a standout mobile app is crucial for success. Despite budget constraints, startups can achieve excellence in app development with React Native, a top-notch JavaScript framework. This blog delves into the reasons why React Native is an ideal choice for startups in 2024, offering a cross-platform solution that enhances development speed, reduces costs, and ensures a seamless user experience.


Startups, as the catalysts of economic growth, face unique challenges, including limited budgets and resources. In the realm of mobile app development, where industry giants have an edge, startups need innovative solutions to stay competitive. hire react native expert emerges as a boon for startups, enabling the creation of performant apps with cross-platform functionality on Android and iOS, without the need for multiple tech stacks.

What is React Native?

Developed by Facebook (now Meta), React Native is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript framework designed for building mobile apps compatible with Android, iOS, and Windows. It simplifies the development process by utilizing a single codebase that seamlessly blends native Swift and Java, bridging the gap between Web UI components and the device’s operating system.

Advantages of React Native for Startups:

Cross-Platform Functionality:

React Native allows the development of web applications compatible with both iOS and Android using a single codebase, minimizing the need for alterations. This significantly reduces development time, effort, and resources.

Rapid Development:

Startups thrive on speed, and React Native facilitates rapid development by utilizing a virtual DOM, enhancing application performance. Hot reloading enables developers to see real-time changes, speeding up the time from conceptualization to market launch.


As an open-source framework, React Native is cost-effective, with readily available developers. The cross-platform functionality further reduces build and test times, enabling faster product launches.

Improved User Experience:

Leveraging native components, React Native enhances user experience by providing a seamless and native feel. A single codebase can create real and native-rendering experiences on multiple platforms without the need for separate expertise in platform-specific languages.

Easy Maintenance:

With a robust developer community, React Native offers quick solutions to common problems. The active community ensures ongoing support, troubleshooting, and assistance, simplifying the maintenance process.


React Native’s extensive functionality makes it highly scalable, accommodating growth and expansion in the future. Regular updates and additions contribute to its adaptability in the evolving landscape of mobile app development.


Backed by Facebook and a vibrant developer community, React Native is a stable choice. Continuous updates address bugs and issues, ensuring stability for business owners. The framework’s evolution, as evident in version 0.73, attests to its reliability.

Security and Consistency:

React Native prioritizes mobile app security, utilizing JavaScript for efficient coding and secure storage options. It ensures consistent and secure user experiences by leveraging platform-specific security features.

Top Companies Using React Native Apps:

Bloomberg: Streamlined development, reduced project timelines, and a user-friendly design.

Uber Eats: React Native prototype testing for enhanced functionalities and user interfaces.

Myntra: Faster updates and growth in the user base with React Native’s hot reloading feature.

Discord: Streamlined experience across platforms, leveraging React Native’s efficiency.

Pinterest: Code-sharing functionality and increased user base facilitated by React Native.

Walmart: Quick development with minimal code alteration, enabling 95% codebase sharing.

Wix: Scalability solutions for a growing user base, leveraging React Native’s features.

Facebook: Extensive use of React Native for enhanced performance and user experience.

Tesla: Seamless app design for Tesla vehicle owners, utilizing React Native’s cross-platform capabilities.

Airbnb: Integration of React Native for code reusability and efficient development across platforms.

Cost of Developing React Native Apps for Startups:

Factors influencing the cost include application complexity, design requirements, platform compatibility, features, testing, maintenance, and the geographical location of the development team. react native developers for hire from trusted sources, like IT Path Solution, offers cost-effective solutions with transparent pricing and extensive code security.


React Native stands as a powerful ally for startups in 2024, providing a cross-platform solution that combines speed, cost-effectiveness, and an enhanced user experience. Successful companies across various industries endorse React Native for its versatility and effectiveness. For startups contemplating their next project ,T path Solutions, a leading React Native App Development Company, offers guidance and expertise to build robust applications within budget constraints.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

1. Why is React Native a preferred choice for startups in 2024?

React Native offers a cross-platform solution, enabling startups to develop apps compatible with both Android and iOS using a single codebase. This reduces development time, effort, and resources, making it an ideal choice for startups with limited budgets.

2. How does React Native contribute to rapid development for startups?

With approximately 90% codebase sharing between Android and iOS, React Native accelerates the development process. The virtual DOM and hot reloading feature enhance application performance, allowing developers to make real-time changes, leading to quicker time-to-market for startups.

3. Is React Native cost-effective for startups?

Yes, React Native is an open-source framework, making it free to use. Additionally, the cross-platform functionality significantly reduces build and test times, enabling faster product launches. The readily available developer community further contributes to cost-effectiveness.

4. How does React Native improve user experience?

React Native leverages native components, providing a seamless and native feel to the user interface. A single codebase can create real and native-rendering experiences on multiple platforms without the need for separate expertise in platform-specific languages.


Flutter vs React Native: Choosing the Best Framework for Your App in 2024

Quick Summary

Compare two widely used frameworks for building mobile apps: Flutter vs React Native. Understand the differences in performance, architecture, learning curve, community support, use cases, and other critical factors.

At IT Path Solutions, a leading tech company specializing in mobile app development, we leverage a best-in-fit approach to help clients grow their businesses. While we advocate for choosing the right technology framework based on project needs, this article aims to provide a detailed comparison between Flutter and React Native.

Flutter and React Native: A Brief Introduction

What is Flutter?

hire flutter developers, an open-source framework by Google, uses Dart as its programming language. It’s recognized for building cross-platform applications with a single codebase, offering expressive UI and native performance. Flutter is backed by Google developers and a thriving community.

What is React Native?

React Native, an open-source framework using JavaScript, focuses on native rendering compatible with Android and iOS. Developed by Facebook, it has gained popularity with over 38% of developers using it for cross-platform app development.

Flutter vs React Native – The Detailed Comparison

Use Cases


  • MVP mobile applications
  • Apps with material design
  • OS-level feature integration
  • High-performance apps with Skia rendering engine
  • Flexible UI with high-level widgets
  • Reactive apps with extensive data integration

React Native:

  • Simple cross-platform apps
  • Quick prototype applications
  • Apps with simplified UI
  • Apps with near-native appearance using FlexBox
  • Apps with reusable components
  • Apps operating with synchronous APIs

Popular Apps


  • Google Ads
  • Tencent
  • Alibaba
  • eBay
  • BMW
  • Reflectly

React Native:

  • Facebook
  • Walmart
  • Bloomberg
  • Instagram
  • SoundCloud
  • Wix

Advantages and Disadvantages



  • Hot-reloading for immediate changes
  • Rich widgets following Cupertino (iOS) and Material Design (Android)
  • Seamless integration with Java, Swift, or Objective C
  • Quick shipping with a single codebase
  • Efficient codesharing for MVP development


  • Limited third-party tools and plugins
  • Vector graphics and animation support issues
  • Not compatible with tvOS, Android Auto, CarPlay, or watchOS
  • Updates require standard release processes

React Native:


  • Native rendering for authentic UI
  • High-performance translation of markup
  • Rich ecosystem and UI libraries
  • Intelligent debugging tools
  • Hot-reloading for real-time code additions


  • Native UI element support limitations
  • Third-party library outdated issues
  • Lack of parallel threading and multi-processing
  • Inconvenient debugging with Chrome debugger

Key Differences

1. Performance Comparison

Flutter consistently achieves 60 FPS, outperforming React Native. React Native’s reliance on a JavaScript bridge introduces occasional lag and dropped frames.

2. Application Architecture

Flutter utilizes a layered architecture, facilitating the separation of presentation and business logic. React Native employs a bridge between Native and JavaScript threads, potentially causing performance issues.

3. Ease of Testing

Flutter provides extensive support for automated testing at unit, widget, and integration levels. React Native lacks official support for UI-level testing, relying on third-party tools like Appium and Detox.

4. Community

Flutter’s community is growing steadily, with 662+ professional contributors and 13.7k live projects. React Native boasts a larger community, with 2,207+ contributors and over 19.8k live projects.

5. Modularity

Flutter supports better modularity with a pub package system. React Native has lesser modularity support, potentially causing issues with correlating different development teams.

6. Code Maintainability

Flutter’s simplicity and hot-reloading feature contribute to easy code maintenance. React Native’s code maintenance can be challenging, especially when customizing native components.

7. User Experience

Flutter offers a rich user experience with customizable widgets and efficient garbage collection. React Native struggles to keep up with the evolving design requirements of native platforms.

8. Application Size

Flutter’s hello world app size is influenced by Dart VM and C/C++ engine but can be contained efficiently. React Native iterates applications faster at a minimal size, outperforming Flutter in terms of size efficiency.

9. Learning Curve

Flutter has a relatively easy learning curve, especially for developers with basic native Android or iOS knowledge. React Native is simple for those familiar with JavaScript, but mobile developers may find it challenging initially.

10. Team Size

Flutter requires a smaller team, typically around 5 developers, due to its easy learning curve and code simplicity. React Native may need 5 to 10 developers, including React Native experts, for a more diverse technical background.


Both Flutter and React Native have their strengths and weaknesses, and the choice depends on project requirements and constraints. Consider Flutter for rapid iterations, MVP development, and single-codebase advantages. Choose React Native for scaling existing applications, creating shared APIs, and developing lightweight native apps. Evaluate factors like budget, timeline, complexity, and team expertise to make an informed decision for your mobile app development.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) – Flutter vs React Native [2024]


Q1: What is the primary difference between Flutter and React Native?

A1: Flutter and React Native are both cross-platform mobile development frameworks, but they differ in terms of programming languages and architecture. Flutter uses Dart and has a layered architecture, while React Native employs JavaScript and relies on a bridge between native and JavaScript threads.

Q2: Which framework has better performance – Flutter or React Native?

A2: Flutter generally offers better performance compared to React Native. Flutter’s direct communication with native modules and the Skia graphics library contributes to efficient rendering, resulting in smoother animations and faster frame rates.

Q3: Can I build complex applications with Flutter?

A3: As of now, Flutter might not be the optimal choice for extremely complex projects. It excels in MVP development and faster prototyping. However, React Native, with its integration of native development skills, is considered more suitable for building complex applications.


React Native is a robust framework that is being backed by an active community ready to help and provide updates on all the latest in React Native. The increased abilities offered by React native also makes it that developers are preferring it as their go to language.

There are many reasons why React native may be preferred over other languages. In this article, we try to look at the reasons why React Native may be preferred, why it may prove to be a disadvantage and why developers make these common mistakes when undertaking React Native Development.

Benefits of React Native

Here are the major benefits of React Native app development.

Easier Adaption Due To Javascript

As Javascript is one of the first languages most developers learn, they have an easier time adopting to React Native as its Javascript based framework is quite familiar.

Build Native Like Apps

React Native allows developers to use native elements and provide a native like feel by using platform specific indicators like activity indicator.

Quick Installs

The React Native framework can be installed using the Node package manager. Developers well versed in javascript can download and install it easily.

Productivity Increase

Developers can quickly adapt to Javascript based code and can use and IDE or text editor. This flexibility can allow developers to quickly setup and start coding.

Community Backed Development

When a developer needs an answer he can refer to the massive community of React Native developers who might have already encountered the issue and have solved it. This aspect of React Native allows developers to solve development challenges quickly and develop more robust applications.

Cross Platform

React Native can be used to develop apps for mobile phones, TVs, AR/VR headsets and desktop and smart watches. React Native is truly platform independent.

While the benefits are huge, there are challenges to React Native app development.

Challenges of React Native App Development

Native Development Needs

While Javascript makes adaptation easier, for hard computations and major development related coding, native developers of React Native are needed.

Limitations in Increasing Functionality

There are limitations in React Native with the abstract layer such as with identifying and rectifying bugs, third party services and libraries dependence and dependency on implementing custom designs.

No Parallel Processing

React Native framework doesn’t support parallel processing which poses development challenges for developers looking for that functionality in the app.

Harder iOS Deployment

Testing on iOS is difficult and requires Apple’s proprietary Testflight. Unlike Android where the deployment and testing is much much easier.

Common Mistakes When Using React Native

Estimation Errors

As developers are estimating for multiple devices and platforms they can make mistakes while estimating as they will need to configure the app and dedicated components of the app for multiple platforms. This creates confusion as components to be used could be unique or reusable.

Correctly configuring the database requirements so that it responds well to requests from all platforms is also a challenge.

Improper Redux Store Planning

Redux helps in correct storage of data and helps in debugging app states when needed. It is a handy tool to manage app data when needed but it is not suitable for small app projects as it will require long lines of coding.

Not Analyzing External Codes

By analyzing external codes, developers can make sure that the code matches the app code being written and there aren’t adaptability issues with the code.

Mutation of State in Render Function

React Native constantly compares new object sate from the datastore and compared to the previous state using setState() function. Each new state is merged with the previous state for consistency and data integrity.

Any discrepancy due to coding in the states could create a cascade of mutated states and lifecycle is disrupted which can lead to app crashing or bugs and errors and delivering an unmanageable code.

Not Removing Console.log Statements from Code

Console.log statements can help you debug the app but if you leave the statements inside the code then you risk creating a slow buggy app.

Not Optimizing Images

Ideally developers should resize the images and host it in a cloud server for faster loading and delivery.

Using Too Many Renders

Using too many renders can slow down the app. Renders should be used wisely and judiciously.


React Native provides truly native features that can be used by developers for developing truly cross platform apps. If you are looking to develop a robust React native app do drop us a line below.

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