Children go through various stages of physical and cognitive development as they grow from 5 to 12 years old. Understanding the typical milestones and challenges of each stage can help parents and caregivers support their children’s growth and learning. 

Physical Development of Boys and Girls from 5 to 12 Years Old

Physical development refers to the changes in the body’s size, shape, and function. It includes aspects such as height, weight, muscle strength, motor skills, and puberty. However, some general trends can be observed across age groups and genders.

5 to 6 Years Old

At this age, children typically gain about 2 to 3 kilograms (4 to 7 pounds) and grow about 6 to 7 centimeters (2 to 3 inches) each year. They have a slim and proportionate body shape, with a low center of gravity that helps them balance and coordinate their movements. 

They can perform various motor skills, such as jumping, skipping, riding a bike, tying shoelaces,  draw complex shapes, write some letters and numbers, and use tools such as scissors and hammers. 

7 to 8 Years Old

At this age, children continue to grow at a steady pace, gaining about 3 to 4 kilograms (7 to 9 pounds) and growing about 5 to 6 centimeters (2 to 2.5 inches) each year. They have a lean and muscular body shape, with a higher center of gravity that allows them to perform more advanced motor skills, such as running, climbing, throwing, and catching. 

They can also use tools more skillfully, such as a screwdriver and a knife. They can write more clearly and neatly, and read more fluently. 

9 to 10 Years Old

At this age, children’s growth rate slows down slightly, gaining about 2 to 3 kilograms (5 to 7 pounds) and growing about 4 to 5 centimeters (1.5 to 2 inches) each year. They have a more defined and mature body shape, with a lower body fat percentage and a higher muscle mass. 

They can perform complex motor skills, such as playing sports, dancing, and doing gymnastics. They can also use tools more accurately and safely, such as a sewing machine and a drill. They can write and read more complex texts, and solve mathematical problems. 

Boys and girls begin to diverge in their physical development, as girls enter puberty earlier than boys. Girls may experience growth spurts, breast development, pubic hair, and menstruation. Boys may experience voice changes, testicular enlargement, and pubic hair.

11 to 12 Years Old

At this age, children’s growth rate varies considerably, depending on their onset and stage of puberty. Some children may gain up to 10 kilograms (22 pounds) and grow up to 15 centimeters (6 inches) in a year, while others may gain and grow much less. 

They have a more adult-like body shape, with a higher body fat percentage in girls and a higher muscle mass in boys. They can perform sophisticated motor skills, such as playing musical instruments, typing, and driving. They can also use tools more creatively and independently, such as a computer and a camera. 

Boys and girls differ significantly in their physical development, as girls are usually ahead of boys in puberty. Girls may reach their adult height and weight and have regular menstrual cycles. Boys may experience growth spurts, facial hair, and ejaculation.

Cognitive Development of Boys and Girls from 5 to 12 Years Old

Cognitive development refers to the changes in the brain’s structure, function, and processes. It includes aspects such as memory, attention, language, reasoning, and problem-solving. It also interacts with physical, emotional, and social development. However, some general trends can be observed across age groups and genders.

5 to 6 Years Old

At this age, children typically have a concrete and literal way of thinking. They rely on their senses and experiences to understand the world. They can focus on one task or item for a longer period, and follow simple instructions. They can understand concepts such as numbers, time, space, and categories. 

They can copy and repeat words and sentences, and use language for various purposes, such as requesting, describing, and narrating. They can also recognize and produce sounds, letters, and words, and read simple texts. 

7 to 8 Years Old

At this age, children typically have a more flexible and logical way of thinking. They can use their imagination and creativity to understand the world. They can focus on more than one task or item at a time, and follow complex instructions. 

They can understand concepts such as fractions, space, and cause and effect. They can use language more fluently and accurately, and use it for various functions, such as explaining, questioning, and persuading. They can also segment and blend sounds, letters, and words, and read more complex texts. 

9 to 10 Years Old

At this age, children typically have a more abstract and systematic way of thinking. They can use their reasoning and problem-solving skills to understand the world. They can focus on multiple tasks or items simultaneously, and follow multiple instructions. 

They can understand concepts such as algebra, geometry, and probability. They can use language more expressively and appropriately, and use it for various purposes, such as informing, arguing, and entertaining. They can also manipulate and analyze sounds, letters, and words, and read more diverse texts.

11 to 12 Years Old

At this age, children typically have a more advanced and integrated way of thinking. They can use their metacognition and reflection skills to understand the world. They can focus on multiple tasks or items selectively, and follow multiple instructions independently. 

They can understand concepts such as calculus, physics, and philosophy. They can use language more critically and analytically, and use it for various purposes, such as evaluating, synthesizing, and creating. They can also generate and apply sounds, letters, and words, and read more sophisticated texts. 

Girls may have an advantage in verbal skills, such as reading comprehension and writing, while boys may have an advantage in spatial skills, such as geometry and engineering.

Deciding when to enroll a child in preschool is a significant milestone for parents, and in Singapore’s education-centric society, this decision often comes with careful consideration. While there isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer, understanding the factors involved can help parents make informed choices that align with their child’s developmental needs. In this dynamic landscape of early childhood education in Singapore, where institutions like Kinderland stand at the forefront of educational excellence, this article delves into the considerations and explores the ideal age for toddlers to embark on their preschool journey in Singapore.

  1. Developmental Readiness:

One of the primary factors to consider is the child’s developmental readiness. Preschools, including Kinderland, typically cater to children aged between 18 months to 6 years old. Around the age of 2 to 3, many toddlers exhibit increased curiosity, social interest, and language development, signaling a readiness for structured learning experiences.

  1. Socialization and Interaction:

Preschool provides a unique environment for toddlers to engage in social interactions beyond their immediate family. Around the age of 3, children often show an eagerness to engage with peers, fostering essential social skills that are integral for later stages of education and life.

  1. Independence Milestones:

Preschools in Singapore, inspired by the exemplary practices of institutions like Kinderland, often focus on fostering independence in young learners. As toddlers approach the age of 3, they may start showing signs of wanting to do things on their own, from dressing themselves to expressing preferences. Preschool environments encourage and support these emerging independence milestones.

  1. Language and Communication Skills:

An ideal age for preschool enrollment coincides with the period when toddlers are rapidly expanding their language and communication skills. Around 2 to 3 years old, children are often more receptive to language development, making it an opportune time to introduce them to a structured learning environment.

  1. Early Exposure to Learning Concepts:

Preschools in Singapore, following the lead of Kinderland and similar institutions, emphasize a play-based approach to learning, introducing foundational concepts in a fun and engaging manner. Enrolling toddlers around the age of 3 allows them to benefit from early exposure to numbers, letters, and basic cognitive skills.

  1. Parental Work and Routine:

Practical considerations also play a role in determining the ideal age for preschool enrollment. Many parents in Singapore consider their work schedules and daily routines when deciding on preschool timing. Having a structured routine can contribute to a smoother transition for toddlers.

  1. Flexibility of Preschool Programs:

Preschools often offer flexible programs that cater to different age groups. Some institutions, including Kinderland, may have programs designed specifically for younger toddlers, allowing parents to choose an entry point that aligns with their child’s age and developmental stage.

  1. Consideration of Individual Needs:

Ultimately, every child is unique, and there is no rigid timeline for preschool enrollment. Parents should consider their child’s individual needs, temperament, and readiness for social and educational experiences.

Conclusion: Tailoring the Preschool Journey

Deciding on the ideal age for toddlers to enter preschool in Singapore is a personal decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. Whether it’s fostering social skills, encouraging independence, or aligning with work routines, parents have the flexibility to tailor the preschool journey to their child’s unique needs. By understanding developmental milestones and considering individual readiness, parents can make informed choices that set the foundation for a positive and enriching early education experience.



The oceans that cover gigantic pieces of our planet are stacked up with various incomprehensible creatures. These fish and various sorts of life can be marvelously toned and come in different shapes and sizes. While a part of the greater models could get by far most of the thought, a piece of the more humble ones can in basically the same manner as surprise. Learn this blog and visit the latest more step by step drawing for kids tutorials.

The clownfish is one of these, and this wonderful little fish was made renowned thanks to the film Finding Nemo. Sorting out some way to draw a clownfish is a fantastic strategy for replicating this splendid little fish! If you love the clownfish, this will be an educational activity that isn’t to be missed. Our step by step guide on the most capable technique to draw a clownfish in just 6 basic errands will show you how tomfoolery and straightforward it will in general be.

Stage 1 – Clownfish Drawing

To begin this helper on the most capable strategy to draw a clownfish, we will begin with the head and the pith of this little fish. You can get rolling this cycle by drawing two minimal oval shapes for the eyes. They will be clear until additional notification, but we will add a nuances to them later. Until additional notification, you can add a couple of strongly twisted eyebrows over the eyes and add a twisted line between them.

This twisted line will interface with a couple of thick smiling lips, and subsequently you can finish the system for the head. The body of the clownfish is secluded into various striped sections, so you can include a couple of twisted lines for this first fragment. Then, you can progress forward toward stage 2!

Stage 2 – As of now, draw a couple of facial nuances and balances

In this second step of your clownfish drawing, we will add a facial nuances to the face that you started in the underlying step. We will in like manner be adding a couple of balances to the sides of the fish, but first we will focus in on those facial nuances.

You can start by bringing a couple of minimal oval shapes into the eye outlines for the understudies. Then, add a couple of close to nothing, twisted lines inside the open mouth for the tongue of the clownfish. To finish this step, we will then, add the side adjusts. These will be defined for specific twisted boundaries that structure different little, small regions that fan out. Finishing these will have you arranged for stage 3 of the assistant!

Stage 3 – Draw the middle piece of the clownfish’s body

Happening with this helper on the most capable technique to draw a clownfish, we will presently add the middle section of the fish. To do this, we will add a more prominent measure of those twisted lines that you used for the primary piece of the fish’s body. For the present, we will add three fragments to this central part. Whenever you have added these, we can then progress forward toward stage 4 to add a more to this clownfish.

Stage 4 – Next, draw the tail of the clownfish

This fourth step of your clownfish drawing will see you adding the rest of the tail and the last piece of the body. To do this, you can use a couple of twisted lines loosening up from where the previous portion completed to expand outward. Then, the tail will be separated into a couple of thin shapes and lines comparable as how the side adjusts were. These regions will give the last part that spread out look that those side adjusts had.

You can similarly grow a little twisted line tumbling off of the greatest place of the body. This line will transform into impasse for the present, but it will look at when we start adding a couple of balances in the accompanying phase of the helper. We will similarly manage any last nuances or additional parts in a state of harmony 5!

Stage 5 – Add the last nuances to your clownfish drawing

That conveys you to the last nuances of this helper on the most capable strategy to draw a clownfish. This step will attract you closer to the last part where you will add a wonderful assortments to this image. To do this, we will add two adjusts to the most noteworthy mark of the body of the clownfish, and subsequently there will be three additional unobtrusive ones added to the stomach.

While these sharp edges will all adjustment of size, they will generally appear to be the previous equilibriums that you have drawn up until this point. This infers they will be confined into additional humble twisted portions that point of interaction with one another.

Whenever you have added these last sharp edges, you’ll be ready for the last step of the associate! Before you proceed, you can moreover add a couple of extra nuances and contemplations of your own. These could integrate parts like an establishment, so what kind of setting or extra contemplations could you anytime consider to add?

Stage 6 – Finish your clownfish drawing with assortment

This little fish is outstanding for its splendid and brilliant assortment plot. We went with this typical assortment contrive in our reference picture, and this expects that there is brilliant orange with subbing white stripes. These white stripes will similarly have thick dull limits on them, as shown in our reference picture. You could use equivalent assortments to the ones we used for a more reasonable look, yet you could similarly use different assortments you love for a more intricate appearance taking everything into account!


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