
Aftercare for Tooth Extractions: Recovery and Healing

Discover the essential aftercare steps for tooth extractions in Red Deer. Learn how to promote recovery and healing for a smooth dental experience.

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Having a tooth extracted by a dentist in Red Deer marks the beginning of the healing process. Proper aftercare and recovery steps are vital for minimizing pain, preventing infections, and optimizing healing after a tooth extraction. Knowing what to expect and how to care for the extraction site will equip you for a smooth recovery. In this article, we’ll explore the tooth extraction in Red Deer aftercare timeline and provide tips to promote proper healing.

The First 24 Hours

The first day after your tooth extraction is when you’ll experience the most discomfort and bleeding. Avoid rinsing your mouth or disturbing the clot for the first 24 hours. You’ll likely have some swelling as well. Use an ice pack on your face for 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off to minimize swelling. Limit activity and rest as much as possible. Drink lots of water and stick to soft foods like yogurt, pudding, applesauce, soup, or smoothies. Avoid hot foods and drinks. Take any prescribed medications as directed. Call your Red Deer dentist if you have severe pain, swelling, or bleeding that won’t stop.

Days 2- 3 After Extraction

By days 2-3 you should have less bleeding and pain. Swelling may increase, so continue using an ice pack periodically. You can start gently rinsing your mouth with warm salt water to prevent infection. Dissolve 1⁄2 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and swish it around the extraction site. Repeat a few times per day, especially after eating. Brush your teeth gently, avoiding the extraction area. Limit brushing to the chewing surfaces only if it’s too painful.

Introduce soft,cool foods like eggs, soups, pudding, noodles, and cooked vegetables. Avoid chewing with the extraction side of your mouth. Keep foods away from extraction holes. Hot temperature foods can dissolve blood clots, so avoid them. Use pain medication sparingly, only if needed. Call your dentist in Red Deer if severe symptoms persist. Otherwise, your pain and swelling should gradually improve.

1 Week After Extraction

About 7 days after your Red Deer tooth extraction, you should notice significantly less pain. Swelling may still be present. You can switch from ice packs to a warm compress at this stage to encourage circulation and healing. Gently rinse with salt water and brush your teeth normally, taking care around healing sites.

You can slowly incorporate firmer foods like fish, cooked pasta, rice, baked potatoes, steamed carrots, bananas, and cooked fruits. Cut food into small pieces and chew away from the extraction area. Avoid chewing gum, carbonated drinks, nuts, seeds, and popcorn that could get lodged in the healing hole. Use pain relievers only if necessary for residual discomfort.

2 Weeks After Extraction

Stitches will dissolve or fall out within 7-10 days typically. At the two week mark, you should be past the most uncomfortable part of your recovery. Swelling and bruising should be resolved. Sensitivity may linger, so continue to avoid extreme hot or cold foods. Rinse daily with salt water and brush normally.

You can resume a normal diet, chewing carefully on the affected side. Soft, nutritious foods are still ideal. Avoid hard, crunchy, or very hot foods that could irritate healing gums and bone. Limit alcohol and smoking, which impede healing. Vigorous exercise that raises your heart rate should be avoided as well. Listen to your body and ease back into activities. Call your Red Deer dentist with any concerns.

1 Month After Extraction

By one month after your Red Deer tooth extraction, the holes should be filled in with gum tissue. Your gums should appear pink, firm, and healthy. Minor sensitivity to hot or cold may still occur. Use a soft toothbrush and brush gently around healing sites. You can floss lightly too, avoiding the extraction area if needed.


Recovering from a tooth extraction in Red Deer requires diligent at-home oral care and following your dentist’s instructions. The first 72 hours are the most uncomfortable with swelling, bruising, and some bleeding to be expected. Ice packs and rest help minimize pain. Gradually introduce soft foods and rinse gently with warm salt water. Discomfort should improve significantly after the first week. Refrain from hard, crunchy foods and vigorous exercise for at least 4 weeks. With time, the extraction sites will heal fully and regain normal function. Call your Red Deer dentist promptly about any lingering concerns. With proper aftercare, your mouth will heal as good as new.


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