Hold ticket

online airdt
Published 26/06/2024 - 3 months ago

A hold ticket is a reservation made for a return trip with the intention of obtaining a visa. It is also frequently referred to as a fake reservation or ticket. Because it isn’t paid for, unlike airline tickets, it is known as a hold ticket. With a hold ticket, you can apply, await confirmation that your visa has been granted, and then make your reservation—which is often kept in your name for a few weeks after you receive it.

Hold tickets give consular and diplomatic offices all the information they require to handle your visa application.

You will receive the following with your flight reservation or hold ticket

  • The name of the airline● The schedule of the flight● The reservation number● The dates of arrival and departure● Your complete name

Whoa! For roughly INR 350, or $5, you can obtain a hold ticket for your immigration, passport, or visa renewal in less than ten minutes. The following website is now selling tickets: https://www.airdummyticket.com/ .

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