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The Indian Confectionery Market:Trends, Players & FAQ’s

The Thailand food market, estimated at USD 95 billion in 2023, is set to grow at a CAGR of 5.2%, reaching USD 125 billion by 2028.
confectionery market

The Indian Confectionery Market: Trends, Players, and FAQ’s


The Confectionery Market has witnessed significant growth over the past few years, driven by changing consumer preferences, increased disposable income, and a burgeoning young population. This blog delves into the latest trends, top players, and the outlook for the Indian confectionary and organic food and beverages market.

The Indian Confectionery Market

Market Overview

The Indian confectionary market has expanded rapidly, driven by the increasing demand for chocolates, candies, gums, and other sweet treats. According to recent reports, the market size is expected to reach USD 3.2 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 12% from 2020 to 2025.

Key Trends

  1. Premiumization: There is a growing preference for premium and artisanal confectionary products among Indian consumers, who are willing to pay more for high-quality ingredients and unique flavors.
  2. Health and Wellness: With increasing health consciousness, there is a rising demand for low-sugar, sugar-free, and organic confectionary products.
  3. E-commerce Boom: The shift towards online shopping has significantly boosted confectionary sales, with e-commerce platforms offering a wide range of products and convenient delivery options.

The Indian Organic Food and Beverages Market Outlook

Market Size and Growth

The Indian organic food market has been growing steadily, driven by increased awareness about the benefits of organic products and a shift towards healthier eating habits. The market size was valued at USD 849.5 million in 2020 and is expected to reach USD 2.6 billion by 2026, growing at a CAGR of 21%.

For more detailed insights, check out the India Organic Food and Beverages Market Outlook to 2028.


Latest Insights and Trends

  1. Rising Health Awareness: Consumers are increasingly opting for organic food and beverages due to their perceived health benefits and environmental sustainability.
  2. Government Support: Various government initiatives and subsidies are promoting organic farming and boosting the organic food market in India.
  3. Expanding Retail Networks: The availability of organic products in mainstream retail outlets and online platforms is driving market growth.

Top Players in the Indian Organic Food and Beverages Market

The Indian organic food and beverages market is becoming increasingly competitive, with several key players driving growth and innovation. Some of the top players include:

  • Organic India: Known for its wide range of organic teas, supplements, and wellness products.
  • Sresta Natural Bioproducts (24 Mantra Organic): A leading brand offering a diverse array of organic food products, including grains, spices, and snacks.
  • Patanjali Ayurved: A well-known brand in the Indian market, offering organic food and beverage products along with ayurvedic medicines and personal care items.
  • Nature Bio Foods: Specializes in organic grains, cereals, and value-added products, catering to both domestic and international markets.
  • EcoFarms India: Focuses on organic farming and production, offering a range of organic staples and processed food products.

FAQs About the Indian Confectionary and Organic Food Markets

What is the current size of the Indian confectionery market?

The Indian confectionery market is projected to reach USD 3.2 billion by 2025, growing at a CAGR of 12% from 2020 to 2025.

How fast is the Indian organic food market growing?

The Indian organic food market is expected to grow at a CAGR of 21%, reaching USD 2.6 billion by 2026.

What factors are driving the growth of the Indian organic food market?

Key factors include rising health awareness, government support, and expanding retail networks.


The Indian confectionery market and the organic food and beverages industry are poised for significant growth in the coming years. With changing consumer preferences and increasing health consciousness, the demand for premium, low-sugar, and organic products is set to rise. By staying updated with the latest trends and market dynamics, businesses can capitalize on the growing opportunities in these sectors and cater to the evolving needs of Indian consumers.


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