
41st Week Pregnant: Explore the Changes in the Body

At this stage, when the baby has descended into the pelvis, there may be a pink or brown tinge of mucus discharge.

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By the time you hit the 41st Week of your pregnancy, you’ll mentally and physically feel that you’re about to give birth to your child. You’re in the 9th month of your pregnancy and you can expect your baby to arrive at any time at this stage of your pregnancy with their hands and legs formed.  

Visiting the healthcare practitioner at this stage is an absolute must! 

Find out how your baby-to-be is in the 41st Week of Pregnancy

In the 9th month, however, the size of the little one inside you is impressive. It’s about the size 19 and 22 inches, and the baby-to-be may weigh close to 8 pounds. That’s about the size of the pumpkin or watermelon. 

The baby may lose most of their vernix or the waxy white coat by this time and that prevents the skin of the baby inside you from drying in the amniotic fluid. If you give birth to your baby at this stage and give a bath to your baby, the skin may peel just a little bit.  

Baby’s hair (part of the skull or head) has thickened and become coarse. 

A baby’s head or skull has been soft enough to squeeze through the birth canal, ready to emerge from your womb. The skull bones, however, have hardened at this point. As per research, the baby sends out signals to the placenta thus triggering labour.  

Find out how is your body in the 41st Week of your pregnancy

When the labour starts, digestion gets reduced or stops completely, and there’s a chance of making you feel sick to the stomach. You might also feel nauseous. So, just like the morning sickness during the first trimester, you’ll get a similar feeling, when you’re in active labour.  Nausea and vomiting can be symptoms of preeclampsia or blood pressure by the end of your pregnancy journey.  

Dilation and effacement may occur before labour. While dilation may refer to the gradual cervical opening to make your baby go through the cervix easily, cervix effacement can make the cervix short, and thin to keep your body ready for childbirth.  The moment the cervix is 10 centimetres dilated, and 100% effaced, it’s time for you to give birth to your baby. 

Your due date is drawing close, and your baby bump looks big enough. It’s quite natural for you to feel anxious during this time. 

Your baby shall remain active till such time that you’d deliver your baby. At this stage, pay attention to your baby’s movements.  

Your baby has dropped down into the pelvis and getting ready to go out of the womb, with the head on the bladder. At this stage, you may be feeling the urge to go to the washroom quite often. 

At this stage, when the baby has descended into the pelvis, there may be a pink or brown tinge of mucus discharge (bloody show) in your underwear or the toilet. 

You may also experience diarrhoea, haemorrhoids, pelvic pain, and nesting instinct. 

Take it easy, while you wait for the little one. 


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